My Online Homeschool
Program of Choice

I decided to choose an online homeschool program for my tenth-grade daughter, Dominique, who we lovingly refer to as "The Dominator." She definitely has a strong personality but also has a gigantic heart for others.

I felt she was mature enough to pursue this form of independent, online homeschool curriculum.

With homeschooling done online, there is considerably less parent-teacher involvement. So, I knew that I wanted online Christian homeschool curriculum for our daughter because it would most closely resemble our values.

I looked at the following three options, appearing in alphabetical order, for a tenth-grade student:

ABeka Homeschool

  • cost: $845 yr.
  • pick your own start date
  • money-back guarantee return policy for first 30 days
  • core subjects and Bible
  • ABeka student and teacher materials included
  • twelve month subscription period

Alpha Omega Curriculum

  • brand-new Monarch program
  • cost: $419.95 yr.
  • eighteen month subscription period
  • 100% online subject material
  • no textbooks
  • optional elective courses

Bob Jones Homeschool Curriculum

  • cost: $849 yr.
  • payment plan option and multiple homeschool kits discount
  • twelve month subscription period
  • online assessments
  • core subjects plus Bible and Foreign Language electives offered
  • student textbooks, test packets, and teacher handouts provided

My Final Online Homeschool Program Choice

I am sure that my daughter, if she fully applied herself, could do well with any of these programs. Also, I want to inform you that I am not a representative for any of these publishers and do not want to misrepresent their policies or practices.

All information listed here was true as of summer of 2010.

There are many similarities between the online homeschool programs such as the requirement for a high speed Internet connection, customizable high school courses online, and access to online teachers. However, I quickly eliminated Alpha Omega’s Monarch program because it is still new and preferred to wait until they had worked out all the "bugs."

ABeka was a definite possibility for us as I was already familiar with its academically superior resources. But, my daughter had some hesitation about using their curriculum and I didn’t want her lack of enthusiasm to hinder her progress.

Consequently, I chose Bob Jones Homeschool Curriculum, also known as Distance Learning Online. I loved the fact that they offered the core subjects in addition to two electives - Bible and a Foreign Language in their package.

They include English Literature and English Grammar instruction. Also, they have online assessments and a payment plan, if needed.

An email with our log-in information has arrived and we are getting started with this curriculum. It included everything they promised and our daughter is excited about this new style of learning. My parent-teacher preparation has been minimal and we are looking forward to this new format that is not simply rote memorization of content.

Unfortunately, I was not prepared for the amount of supplemental printing required by my daughter and I. In the future I will definitely order their printed teacher's editions for an additional one hundred dollars to cut down on printing costs and save time. All in all though, this is a fantastic online homeschool program!

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