Is an Online Homeschool Curriculum Right for You?

Try an online homeschool curriculum if you want a change from the conventional style of home schooling with textbooks and teacher's manuals.

homeschooling done online

It can allow you to continue to school at home by providing high school courses online for more challenging subjects. It directs your child's educational plan and there is minimal involvement required from the parent.

Some of these programs are accredited if you are interested in that.

So, how does that sound to you?


These programs cover the core subjects such as English, Math, Science, and History. Some include Bible, Honors courses, and various electives.

Homeschooling done online is appealing to students for several reasons:

  • Most enjoy the interactive experience more than exclusively using textbooks
  • They can progress at their own pace
  • It is geared directly toward them
  • They can use the computer for their school assignments
  • There are numerous activities available


Also, there are benefits for the parent when choosing to use this type of resource for their child such as:

  • Participation in forum groups
  • Assessment and reinforcement built into the program
  • Progress reports and other help with record keeping
  • Customer service and technical support
  • Free trials in many instances
  • Some even include a money back guarantee

Clearly, this homeschooling option has many positive aspects. But, nothing or no one is "perfect in all their ways."

The cost of the online programs may be cost prohibitive for some families. Although there are great aspects about it, some will not be able to participate due to the cost.

Also, the worldview expressed by the manufacturers of the Internet schooling resource may differ vastly from yours.

When you search for potential programs online, expect to see Time4Learning, K-12, Inc., and others that are representative of this type of resource. There are many choices available that could be just the right fit for you and your child.

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